Eradication Protocol
Arrow Keys - Movement / Rotation
Z - Fire
S - Restart (on win/loss)
Sector VI has been hit by a total system failure, leading to loss of containment.
You are the final automated security drone.
Eradicate All Anomalies.
GBJAM12 Entry
Thanks to my roommate for helping out with the environment art - this game looks so much cooler thanks to them!
There is a bug where the game tends to freeze when shooting for the first time, despite the fact that the sounds should be loaded before firing. Advise shooting at spawn to save yourself the stress later.
There's also a bug regarding player damage as it sometimes just doesn't happen, guessing it's something with how I've got the colliders setup.
With more time, would add player movement sounds, improve the player controller, add turning animations, add doors & other interactables, fix above bugs, add more anomalies, improve anomaly AI, add systems to repair (power, cameras, more drones), and implement ability to contain anomalies.
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Super cool! Really liked the UI and the intro sequence. Gameplay was fun. I liked the enemy behavior because once I landed a shot at distance, the next ones were much easier.
Great job! Was a fun little game.
Damn, and that drone was 2 days from retirement too...